
Satelitní sledování a monitoring vozidel

Získejte snadno, rychle a levně kontrolu nad svými vozidly.

Mějte svá vozidla pod kontrolou po celém světě

Pro domácnosti

Krádež nebo odtažení? S našim GPS lokátorem vás nic nepřekvapí. Vaše auto nebo motorku budete mít pod kontrolou. Chraňte si svůj majetek.

Pro firmy

Plánujte trasy efektivně. Mějte své zásilky, řidiče nebo obchodní zástupce pod kontrolou. 

High quality marketing service

Professional digital marketing service
Integer ac laoreet risus, semper ornare felis. Proin consequat vel nulla eget pharetra. Nulla varius libero sed condimentum mollis. Suspendisse varius imperdiet tortor, quis accumsan justo tincidunt cursus. Mauris nisl quam, vulputate ut arcu eu, ultrices molestie dui.

Digital Marketing

Ensperium at dui sed leo okuzkimi viverra. Yeyir bulum sit amet maximus sapien. Sed sed tellus in magna dehset eleifend aika neus it.

Content Marketing

Krokodil at dui sed leo okuzkimi oppilof. Seyir bulum sit amet pnugter sapien. Kub sed tellus in magna dehset eleifend sed at besir.

SEO Optimization

Perresim at dui bax jleo hey ubas yuyyop. Yeyir bulum sit amet terrinum sapien. Sed sed tellus in magna bitcoin eleifend sed at btc.

E-mail Marketing

Andista at dui sed leo okuzkimi erutin. Popun telan bum amet maximus sapien. Poxin sed sallin in magna pulin bollinu sed at besir.

PPC Advertising

Dilana at dui sed leo agzisum perrani. Plinka geran sit amet maximus sapien. Sed sed tellus in magna vopsem eleifend sed at pttex.

App & Web Development

Terralium at dui sed leo mahmoud viverra. Yeyir bulum sit amet maximus sapien. Sed sed tellus in magna dehset pollun sed at beran.

pricing plans

Micron is the best choice with
fair pricing plans


/month, billed annually


/month, billed annually


/month, billed annually
Satisfied Customers
0 +
Modern technology
0 +
Team members
0 +

Experinced company

Experinced company in marketing industry
Integer ac laoreet risus, semper ornare felis. Proin consequat vel nulla eget pharetra. Nulla varius libero sed condimentum mollis. Suspendisse varius imperdiet tortor, quis accumsan justo tincidunt cursus.

micron team

Our professional team ready
to create you project

CEO & Founder

Nurlan Ibrahimov


Ilona Kulan


Jahangir Seven

UI Designer

Anna Ellanova


Jonathan Bezos


Eriksen Tesla

customers testimonials

You can see here what our customers tell about us

Jonathan Rainson

Marketing manager of Dilenna agency.

Aenean non laoreet nulla. Curabitur finibus imperdiet mauris, vel vulputate turpis tempor acnicasium besir gelir cunki.

GPS jednotka FM1110

Ervin Terimonia

CEO of UpTech web agency

Pianin enat laoreet nulla. Curabitur finibus imperdiet mauris, vel vulputate lenova kontel dellinot , onlar have kopia.


Nurlan Doe

Web designer at Envato

Berga cayi laoreet ela. Chunki vhare qesheng etri off, vel vulputate lenova letona ennatium plagiat not inus.



    Kontaktujte nas

    V Závitu 1240/3, 147 00, Praha 4-Braník

    +420 602 81 81 80 +420 228 88 68 69

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